Full form of Measurements & Company Codes

Please find the some useful forms of Measurements & Country Codes, Indian Occupation job Codes

👉Kg. — Kilogram
👉Kw. — Kilowatts
👉Gm. — Gram
👉Km. — Kilometer
👉Ltd. — Limited
👉M. P. H. — Miles Per Hour
👉KM. P. H. — Kilometre Per Hour
👉P. T. O. — Please Turn Over
👉P. W. D. — Public Works Department
👉C. P. W. D. — Central Public Works Department
👉U. S. A. — United States of America
👉U. K. — United Kingdom (England)
👉U. P. — Uttar Pradesh
👉M. P. — Madhya Pradesh
👉H. P. — Himachal Pradesh
👉U. N. O. — United Nations Organization
👉W. H. O. — World Health Organization
👉B. B. C. — British Broadcasting Corporation
👉B. C. — Before Christ
👉A. C. — Air Conditioned
👉I. G. — Inspector General (of Police)
👉D. I. G. — Deputy Inspector General (of Police)
👉S. S. P. — Senior Superintendent of Police
👉D. S. P. — Deputy Superintendent of Police
👉S. D. M. — Sub-Divisional Magistrate
👉S. M. — Station Master
👉A. S. M. — Assistant Station Master
👉V. C. — Vice-Chancellor
👉A. G. — Accountant General
👉C. R. — Confidential Report
👉I. A. S. — Indian Administrative Service
👉I. P. S. — Indian Police Service
👉I. F. S. — Indian Foreign Service or Indian Forest Service 
👉I. R. S. — Indian Revenue Service
👉P. C. S. — Provincial Civil Service
👉M. E. S. — Military Engineering Service Full Form Of Some technical Words VIRUS - Vital Information Resource UnderSeized

Be Confident, Do Confident


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